NFR Mounted Troop

The Nature Fun Ranch Mounted Troop was started in 1999, shortly after the organisation got started. Starting with one horse ‘Move out’, we had no barn no stable, no horses, just a dream.

Forming the Mounted Troop was a way to get the structure, discipline and training needed.

The are 3 teams in the Troop; Night Riders, Ruff Riders and Ridels

There are 6 proficiency Courses, each with a Theoretical and Practical component.

All Mounted Troopers start at rank of Recruit and move through to Assistant Team Leader, Deputy Team Leader, Team Leader, Assistant Mounted Troop Leader, Deputy Mounted Troop Leader and Mounted Troop Leader. The Ranch Chief is the Honorary Mounted Troop Chief.

As Trooper successful complete their courses, they move the course ranks of Recruit Rider, Beginner Rider,(B) Apprentice Rider, (A) Apprentice Rider, Corporal Rider, Rider Major, Jockey, Corporal Jockey, Sergeant Jockey, Jockey Major and TroopMaster.

Senior Troopers run barn Days and they teach younger Troopers how to hay, water, feed, clean stalls, perform basic veterinary care, deworm and de-tick, groom and more. The Mounted Troop Leader is responsible for assigning chores and ensuring that all of the horses are properly taken care of for the day.

The Mounted Troop does Theoretical and Practical, Badge, Patches, Awards, Drills and Formation and through this all builds Character, Discipline and Responsible.